Themes All Movie TV series Genre All Drama Comedy Romance Action Crime War Sci-Fi Animation History Horror Adventure Mystery Thriller Biography Fantasy Family Kungfu Disaster Musical Music Children Sport Western Others Docu Area All US UK France Germany Italy Spain Canada Australia China Hong Kong Taiwan Korea Japan India Russia Mexico Thailand Sweden Ireland Denmark Poland Belgium Year All 2019-2024 2018 2017 2016 2015 2013-2014 2010-2012 2000-2009 90's 80's 70's 60's Earlier The Grand Budapest Hotel 8.3 Rush 8.3 Winter Sleep 8.1 Dabba 7.9 The Book Thief 7.6 Phoenix 7.3 Labyrinth of Lies 7.4 A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence 7.1 Clouds of Sils Maria 7 Mr. Turner 6.9 Stations of the Cross 7.5 The Monuments Men 6 Land of Plenty 6.6